Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Modernism was somewhat of a breakthrough, bringing some very strong game players into the world. Some of these big players include: Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropious, Marcel Breuer, Wasilly Kandinsky. and Miles van der Rohe.

Frank Lloyd Wright was considered the father of Modernism, so he must have played a large part in the creation of this new style. Even with his colorful home life he still manages to rule the architectural times and create tons of pieces, along with starting his own practice. Some of the Residential buildings that he designed include: The Winslow House, Hickox House, and the Robie house(below image 1). All of which were built in our very own Illinois, which is where Frank Lloyd Wright was from. He also had his hand in plenty of commercial projects including: The Unity Temple, The Rookerie, The Johnson Wax Building, and the Larkin Building. Having both residential and commercial experience definitely earned him respect and plenty of work.

Walter Gropious, though a step down in fame, was a big part of the International Style. Although he recieved no formal degree Gropious still fought his way up to create his own practice as well as became the director at Weimar. When he put the fine arts and applied arts together it became known as Bauhaus (Image 2 below). This school opened up so much for students including: fine arts, architecture and design, town planning, advertising, stage design, and film. The want to create a relationship between was these and modernism really helped create the new program.

Marcel Breuer was someone greatly effected by the Bauhaus, having studied there and later to teach at it as well. He was mentored by Walter Gropious who had a great influence in him as well as the handles on a bike.
Image result for Robie House

Image result for bauhaus

Current Application:
Image result for modernist interior

Image result for modernist interior

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Becca: I think Becca's blogs are phenomenal, there is so much knowledge and I like the way it is set up for an easy way to understand.

Haley: I like that Haley tells us how many buildings Frank Lloyd Wright created.

Monday, February 6, 2017


There are so many different people who had a hand in creating protomodernism and the many movements that came with it. As a quick overview of what this style is all about can be summed up in saying it was a time of rejecting the historics, they were looking for something new. I feel they were almost acting in rebellion feeling less of the need for education and academics, focusing more on the arts and experimentation. This adds a younger, more free design.
Different Movements coming along with different designers and architects were very important in the creating of this style. The Deutscher Werkbund and the Vienna Secession were the most prominent movements of this time. The objective was to leave the past behind and to focus on things they were interested in such as:*art, history, psychology and philosophy. These movements and this time were created by:Joseph Olbrich, Gustav Klimt, Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos, Josef Hoffman, and Koloman Moser. Without these key features and big players the style would never have advanced as much as it has.

Current Applications:
Image result for proto modern current application interior design

Image result for proto modern current application interior design

Extra Credit Video:
